Vital Christology Issues

Picture of Vital Christology Issues

Price: $13.00

Product #: VCI152
Author(s): Roy B. Zuck, gen. ed.
Contents: 192 pages.

Vital...pertaining to life; essential; of critical importance.

Christology...the study of the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Issues...a point or matter, the decision of which is of special or public importance.

A dictionary can define the terms, but tackling the tough issues of the Christology requires skillful study and balanced reflection upon the whole of Scripture.

Vital Christology Issues: Examining Contemporary and Classic Concerns draws upon the insights and study of numerous evangelical scholars and writers to address the crucial questions and issues in Christology.

Some of the chapters included are:
"The Ministry of Christ in His Life on Earth by John F. Walvoord
"The Temptation of Christ" by S. Lewis Johnson Jr.
"The Savior's Sufferings in Life" by Robert P. Lightner

Christian readers, church leaders, and pastors will appreciate the helpful guidance of Vital Christology Issues.