The Secret Message

Picture of The Secret Message

Price: $20.00

Product #: WFTSMDVD001
Author(s): Watchman Fellowship, James K. Walker
Contents: DVD, 32 minutes including bonus materials

Rhonda Byrne has a secret - a big secret. She promises that this secret is the missing answer to all of life's deepest yearnings. Fabulous wealth, the joy of healthy living, healed relationships, and even world peace may be available to everyone who learns the secret. 

Byrne revealed her secret in the mega popular video and companion book, The Secret. Featured on Larry King Live and The Oprah Winfrey Show to wildly enthusiastic audiences, the book quickly sold out after shooting to #1 on the New York Times bestsellers list.

But what is this secret? Has science proven the secret? What is the real "secret source" behind Rhonda Byrne's secret? And where is God in all this?

In this DVD message, James Walker answers these questions and much more, providing a biblical analysis and reasoned response to Byrne's bestseller. The message includes video from the theatrical trailer for The Secret, as well as portions of a scene deleted from the current version of The Secret DVD now being sold. 

James Walker encourages Christians to understand the real message behind The Secret, to be equipped with a biblical response, and to reach out in love to those who are following the secret's path.