More Comments about Watchman Fellowship

"As Director of Lay Ministries for our denomination, I want you to know how much I sincerely appreciate your publications. We find it to be most informative and, as always, all of your articles are well documented. Thank you for the great job you are doing in the area of cult evangelism."

Leonard C. Albert
Department of Lay Ministries
Church of God
Cleveland, Tennessee

"I personally thank God for the tremendous contribution you have made to educating Southern Baptists....Your ministry has been invaluable."

Dr. Philip Roberts
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Kansas City, Missouri

"I am happy to recommend Watchman Fellowship to you and your Church. This ministry is a thoroughly Christian ministry that seeks to supply accurate information concerning the teachings of various religious cults and to, in a very special way give glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. I commend them to you and your people. May God bless you as you consider using this fine group."

Rev. James T Draper, Jr.
Retired, President of Lifeway
Past President, Southern Baptist Convention

"Our four-day Cult Awareness Conference was very strong in attendance and the interest in the material unusually intense. Our people gave the seminar the most positive expression of appreciation. Also, we appreciate the dignity with which the team conducted themselves& Especially did we note their sensitivity to persons who may presently be in one of the cults and were part of our audience& I highly recommend this ministry."

Pastor, First Assembly
San Diego, California

I wanted to thank you again for the fantastic job you did at Thomas Road Baptist Church&. Both our staff and congregation were amazed at your ability to get to the core of the heresies in the various cults and then to immediately offer a simple, but brilliant game plan to expose and counteract the theological poison involved. Thomas Road Baptist Church and Liberty University are excitedly looking forward to the Cult Awareness Impact Crusade.

Dr. Jerry Falwell
(1933 - 2007)
Liberty University
Thomas Road Baptist Church
Lynchburg, Virginia

I just wanted to send you a letter of appreciation for a job well done. The cult seminar you presented was well thought out, communicated with excellence, and combined the rare ability of Biblical accuracy and power with humor and thoughtful sensitivity. I would highly recommend you and the Watchman Fellowship Team at the drop of a hat. Excellent work with the best of motives.

Chip Ingram
Senior Pastor
Santa Cruz Bible Church
Santa Cruz, California

T]he Baptist Bible Fellowship churches in Springfield, Missouri, in a cooperative ministry, asked & Watchman Fellowship to minister for four nights.

The meetings were well attended and the ministry regarding the cults was first-class in every way&. In my opinion, there is no group that ministers against the cults as effectively.

Dr. Kenneth Gillming
Cherry Street Baptist Church
Springfield, Missouri

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