Ready With An Answer
Product #: RWAA150
Author(s): John Ankerberg and John Weldon
Contents: 404 pages
Reach Out to People Who Are Seeking the Truth
Our world is filled with people asking questions about God, the meaning of life, and the truth of the Bible. Now you can be prepared to explain your faith to those looking for answers.
Respond to the Challenge
Hasn't evolution proved that Genesis is wrong?
Isn't the Bible filled with historical and scientific errors?
What compelling evidence is there that Jesus rose from the dead?
Reaffirm Your Faith
Examine the life of Christ - the most unique man in history - and discover startling ancient prophecies that point directly to Jesus as the Messiah. Explore the miracle of creation and also see how archeology confirms the truth of the Bible. Evaluate Scripture in light of history and determine its inerrancy for yourself.
If you've been afraid to talk about your faith for fear of not knowing what to say, this book will help you to be Ready with an Answer.