Complete Greer Heard Collection MP3
This is the complete GREER HEARD Collection containing all 14 Forums with over 80 Hours of Audio in MP3 format -- Perfect for your Smartphone, Tablet, and Computer. SPECIAL $55 (Regular Price $150)
The GREER HEARD POINT-COUNTERPOINT FORUM include 14 Conferences held between 2005 and 2017 at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
- 2005 - The Resurrection of Jesus
- 2006 - Intelligent Design
- 2007 - The Future of Atheism
- 2008 - The Textual Reliability of the New Testament
- 2009 - Pluralism: Can Only One Religion Be True?
- 2010 - The Message of Jesus
- 2011 - Can We Trust the Bible on the Historical Jesus?
- 2012 - Is there Life After Death?
- 2013 - The Bible & Sex
- 2014 - God & Cosmology
- 2015 - Christians, the Environment, & Climate Change
- 2016 - When Did Jesus Become God?
- 2017 - Christians, Jews, & Jesus
Speakers include: Michael Bird, Sean Carroll, William Lane Craig, John Dominic Crossan, William A. Dembski, Daniel Dennett, Bart Ehrman, Craig Evans, R. Douglas Geivett, Gary Habermas, Paul Knitter, Jennifer Wright Knust, Amy-Jill Levine, Alister McGrath, Harold Netland, Ted Peters, and Charles Quarles, Michael Ruse, Michael Shermer, Dan Wallace, Ben Witherington III, NT Wright, AND MANY MORE!