The Facts on the Mormon Church presents the truth about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints -- Mormon history, doctrines, practices, and theology. Readers find well-researched and easy-to-understand answers to many of the common and not-so-common questions surrounding this high-profile church, all in a handy, quick-reference format.
A Mormon's Unexpected Journey Vol 1
A fascinating read that gives deep insight into a Mormons mind and heart. Respectful, yet direct, Carma Naylors sincerity in recounting her journey from Mormonism to Gods grace is heartfelt and genuine. Yet, this is much more than a captivating, personal story that will help you relate to the reality of lifes trials. (Paperback, 352-pages - Free Shipping - USA only)A Mormon's Unexpected Journey Vol 2
This sequel to Carma Naylor's first book is more than a captivating story; it contains critical insight into the surprising origins of LDS scriptures and the roadblocks that make it difficult for a Mormon to doubt Mormonism. Carma also sensitively reveals the secret ceremonies of Mormonism out of a genuine desire for Mormons to find freedom in Christ. Includes a short recap of volume 1 (Paperback, 360-pages).