What the Quran Really Teaches Book and DVD Set
Islam Vs Christianity Set (Book and 2 Debate DVDs)- Book: What the Qur'an Really Teaches About Jesus by James Walker (240-pages)
- Debate DVD 1: Khalil Meek Vs. James Walker, Jesus the Cross and the Resurrection
- Debate DVD 2: Khalil Meek Vs James Walker, Jesus Christ -- Prophet of Allah or Savior of the World?
- Bonus Disc: Understanding Islam: A Christian Perspective
The Concise Guide to Today's Religions and Spirituality
Biblical, evangelical, and orthodox, this single volume supplies readers with a comprehensive, A-to-Z information source over 1,700 cults, occult groups, new religious movements, Christian churches, denominations, world religions, controversial doctrines, practices and spiritual leaders.Watchman Fellowship's Profile Notebook
Profile Notebook (2024 Edition) Includes a subscription to all new Profiles through January, 2025. A custom notebook containing every Profile published bimonthly by Watchman Fellowship since 1993 (660 pages). Profiles are 4-page briefings on new religious movements, the occult, cults, New Age spirituality, controversial doctrines, spiritual practices and religious leaders. Customers automatically receive new Profiles six-times per year as they are published. FREE SHIPPING (available USA Only).The Spiritual Abuse Recovery Workbook
The Spiritual Abuse Recovery Workbook represents four decades of research and experience by author David Henke, founder of Watchman Fellowship. Within the pages of this workbook the author demonstrates the complexities of spiritual abuse, identifying underlying issues as well as recovery.